How close do we get to tornadoes?

Answer: We get close enough to take good pictures. 

"Thanks to TV and a few internet videos, some folks have a premonition that storm chasers drive into tornadoes," said Tempest Tours' Martin Lisius, a 30-year storm chasing veteran. "The reality is the vast majority of storm chasers don't behave that way. It's something we don't do at Tempest Tours, nor would even remotely consider. I'm not a board certified psychiatrist, so I am not qualified to determine why a person would purposely do that, but I do understand the physics and that's enough. Our goal is to view storms safely, and to see what they have to teach us, and that is how we operate. 

The best way to get an idea of what we see when tracking storms is to visit our Gallery, or view and enjoy the photos we post on our Facebook page.

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